Thursday, May 17, 2007

If I could accomplish anything next year, it would be...

If I could accomplish anything next year it would be.... To get the highest grades in my class while i'm at college... hey ya know I like to reach for the stars!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The best part of computer class this year was?

The best part of computer was creating the slide show and our webpages.... Thanks for the awesome year Ms. M!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007


I love Mountain Dew, because it's my favorite drink, it's my favorite drink because I like the citrus flavor, I like the citrus flavor because, I dont really know why exactly, but it's just good, I mean GREAT... yup it's GRRRRREAT!!!!!

If I could do anything, I would...

If I could do anything, I would... do the world!!! I want to see the whole world, while I'm still young and know how to have fun!!! But anyways... I would like to do lots of things, like over come my fears, have a family, and own my own business!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Favorite Website Is???

My favorite website is hotmail because it allows me to check my e-mail and keep in touch with friends.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I wanna go outside, because the fresh air does the body good... I knwo that I already look good! But a little more good never hurt anyone!!!!!!!!!

One day Ted was out for a walk when he "went" on someones lawn... And boy oh boy was that ol' woman crabby! She came out and picked up what he "went" and threw it at him! Now that stuff that he "went" hit him in the rear right leg! Now i'm telling you that this upset Ted more than anything in the world! So he layed on his right side and scooted, so he could wipe of what he "went" that the ol' lady hit him with in his rear right leg! Now Ted is the laziest of lazy dogs, and he doesn't like to take much effort for things like this, so most of what he "went" stayed on him for a couple days or so, or at least until that stuff he "went" came off naturally. But when he got home that first day he went into his owners house and layed on his right side on his owners brand new sofa, so most of what he "went" came off on the sofa!! Now this upset his owner beyond belief!!!! So his owner kicked him off the sofa, then sat in what Ted "went"... Haha well thats that, just make sure you know who you're really messin' with!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Why I'm excited about summer...

I'm excited for summer, because I'll be done with High School forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why I'm excited!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Zoho. com is a website that is basically an office suit. You can basically use it for anything office related... It's pretty awesome!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

What are some of the dangers of social networking?

One of the biggest dangers with social newtworking is stalkers... That's prolly the scariest part of all! Because who likes stalkers???? NOT ME!!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

What I like about Social Newtworking...

I really like things like myspace, because it allows me to keep in touch with friends that i have from all over the place! It's really nice and keeps my phone bill to a minimum....

What is the difference between wikis and blogs?

"Blogs are great for getting peoples' opinions. Wikis are great for building ideas together." Bill Bruck